Homepage > Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Rules and regulation of the Walutomat.pl website (valid until 21.08.2024)

Rules and regulation of the Walutomat.pl website (valid from 21.08.2024)

Agreement Withdrawal Form

Rules and regulations of the points programme at Walutomat.pl

Additional Rules and Regulations of Transfers to Countries not Applying the IBAN Standard

Additional Rules and Regulations for the provision by Walutomat.pl of the Payment Account crediting service via PayPal

Fees charged for the provision of services related to the maintenance of a Payment Account

REGULAMIN dodatkowy świadczenia przez serwis Walutomat.pl usług płatniczych w zakresie realizowania przelewów zagranicznych do Ukrainy

REGULAMIN migracji Konta Użytkownika z Walutomat.pl do Walutomat Business

Sposoby rozpatrywania reklamacji

European Commission factsheet on consumer rights when making payments in the Member States

Archive of regulations

Zobacz również: wzory dokumentów