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Swedish krona exchange rates - SEK/PLN

The official unit of currency in Sweden is the Swedish krona, denoted by the international symbol SEK. 1 Swedish krona is divided into 100 øre, but they are no longer in the form of coins, we can find them only in non-cash transactions. In Sweden electronic payments are very common and Swedes themselves appreciate this comfort and maybe in a perspective of several years the currency of Sweden will no longer be available in the form of banknotes and coins.

Check the current exchange rate of Swedish krona

krona - SEK purchase

Best offer in Walutomat

0,3643 PLN

krona - SEK sales

Best offer in Walutomat

0,3650 PLN

Average worldwide Swedish krona exchange rate  question mark

Forex quotations

0,3638 PLN

SEK exchange rate chart

1 hour
1 day
7 days
1 month
3 month
6 months
1 year
5 years
from the beginning

Actual offers

Purchase SEK - Swedish krona

35 offers from persons who want to sell SEK

Sale rate Total amount bell Waiting since
0,3650 4 182,63 SEK 2024-07-26 06:54
0,3687 103,73 SEK 2024-07-26 06:49
0,3688 12 000,00 SEK 2024-07-25 19:01
0,3689 6 000,00 SEK 2024-07-25 20:12
0,3690 140 880,18 SEK 2024-07-25 12:57
0,3714 6 000,00 SEK 2024-07-25 09:50
0,3720 200 000,00 SEK 2024-07-25 12:57
0,3723 6 000,00 SEK 2024-07-25 07:57
0,3724 150 000,00 SEK 2024-07-26 07:15
0,3725 6 000,00 SEK 2024-07-24 16:28
0,3735 157 001,07 SEK 2024-07-25 06:03
0,3740 4 200,08 SEK 2024-07-22 16:26
0,3755 5 459,01 SEK 2024-07-24 23:04
0,3759 300 000,00 SEK 2024-07-23 09:27
0,3799 547,00 SEK 2024-07-18 06:58
0,3800 26 000,00 SEK 2024-07-26 06:14
0,3829 400 000,00 SEK 2024-07-23 09:28
0,3830 333 000,00 SEK 2024-07-13 10:41
0,3850 5 000,00 SEK 2024-07-12 15:19
0,3896 176 321,58 SEK 2024-02-23 11:06
Purchase SEK

Sell SEK - Swedish krona

5 offers from persons who want to purchase SEK

Sale rate Total amount bell Waiting since
0,3643 29,11 SEK 2024-05-14 15:21
0,3636 364,33 SEK 2024-07-26 06:44
0,3630 1 820,63 SEK 2024-07-26 06:13
0,3625 100,00 SEK 2024-07-26 09:58
0,3613 72 260,00 SEK 2024-07-26 18:03
Sell SEK

Last exchanges

Last SEK / PLN exchange transactions

How long ago Exchange rate Amount
2024-07-26 15:49 0,3643 220,71 SEK
2024-07-26 13:13 0,3650 1 002,00 SEK
2024-07-26 09:07 0,3650 1 861,89 SEK
2024-07-26 08:04 0,3650 3 060,79 SEK
2024-07-26 07:12 0,3644 4 200,00 SEK
2024-07-26 06:54 0,3687 105,23 SEK
2024-07-26 06:49 0,3687 15 864,84 SEK
2024-07-26 06:47 0,3687 26,88 SEK
2024-07-25 18:36 0,3666 1 002,00 SEK
2024-07-25 18:36 0,3666 2 505,00 SEK

Total sum of exchanges in the last 10 days

Day Total sum of concluded transactions
2024-07-26 26 342,34 SEK
2024-07-25 132 556,69 SEK
2024-07-24 120 494,13 SEK
2024-07-23 141 780,40 SEK
2024-07-22 52 053,99 SEK
2024-07-21 0,00 SEK
2024-07-19 324 491,15 SEK
2024-07-18 5 154,04 SEK
2024-07-17 39 273,64 SEK
2024-07-16 12 600,00 SEK

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Swedish krona – history of the currency

The Swedish krona became the official currency of Sweden in 1873, when it joined the Scandinavian Monetary Union, which also included Norway and Denmark. Prior to that, Swedish thalers had been in use since 1534. However the Swedish krona as we know it today was introduced into circulation only a few hundred years later. World War I freed the SEK currency from the gold rate, which resulted in the collapse of the Scandinavian Monetary Union. This caused inflation to rise, and the Riksbank took a number of measures, including setting a price stability target as the standard for Swedish monetary policy. However, in 1933 the Swedish krona was pegged to the pound exchange rate, to then the US dollar. This continued until the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the breakup of which again shook the stability of the economy. This was the impetus for cooperation with the European Community. A historic date came in 2014, when Sweden’s central bank decided to cut its benchmark rate to 0 percent in order to lift inflation in the country. Never before had interest rates been so low in Sweden. However, subsequent months showed that inflationary pressures were still too low, at which point a negative interest rate was introduced.

The Riksbank, issuer of the Swedish krona, is the oldest central bank in the world, and Sweden was the first country to issue paper money.


Swedish krona – information about the currency

Currently the Swedish krona has a very strong position in the country – in a national referendum Swedes rejected the proposal to adopt the euro as the official currency. SEK currency in circulation currently has coins with denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 SEK. On the obverse of the Swedish currency you will find the image of King Carl XVI Gustav (except for the 5 SEK coin). The new coins have been in force since 2016, and their design was chosen on the basis of a competition. The denominations of 1 SEK and 2 SEK coins are made of copper-plated steel, which gives them a distinctive reddish hue. SEK 5 and SEK 10 are made of Nordic gold, which does not mean that the alloy contains real gold. The Swedish krona banknotes have also recently undergone a facelift. In 2011, Sweden’s central bank announced a competition to design new banknotes, with specific guidelines. Eventually, the new design of Swedish krona was introduced gradually until 2016. On the obverse of the Swedish currency we can admire the landscapes of different regions of this Scandinavian country. While the reverse of the Swedish krona is decorated with images of famous artists and the Secretary General of the United Nations, on the 1000 SEK banknote.

Swedes in a national referendum rejected the adoption of the common currency euro, but in many parts of the country it is accepted virtually on par with the Swedish krona. Interestingly, Sweden’s currency may soon begin to be issued in a virtual version. The Riksbank is considering this possibility due to the fact that Swedish krona in cash is no longer accepted in an increasing number of shops and service points.

Check the Swedish krona exchange rate

The SEK currency pair is important for both expats and tourists. If you want to exchange Swedish krona, check the SEK exchange rate on our website beforehand. Especially for our customers we have introduced Swedish krona. Sweden’s currency usually ranks lower than other Scandinavian currencies (you can check their exchange rates in other tabs). At the top of the page we show an updated chart, where you can see the current price of the Swedish krona. Exchange in our service is a guarantee of profitable SEK to PLN transaction and vice versa. Check the current SEK exchange rate yourself at Walutomat.pl.