The average rate in the table above is the worldwide exchange average rate. You can always check its value in the
Example of exchange calculation.
You have PLN and you want the users of Walutomat to sell you 50 000 USD. The worldwide average rate is 3.9850. As a result, your guaranteed rate is 4.0000 because:
3,9850 + 0,0150 = 4,0000
As the transaction will also include a commission of 0.15% the maximum price to be used as a result of the matches from the exchange will be equal:
4,0000 / (1+0,15%) = 3,9940
Status of the market at the time of the transaction:
The transaction on the market, without the protection mechanism, would have executed at a price of 199 625,30 PLN which, after taking into account commission, would have resulted in 199 924,70 PLN. This transaction consisted of an offer of 3.9850 to 3.9998.
Through the control mechanism, no fragment will perform worse than 3.9940, which is the guaranteed rate. As a result, the entire transaction will be concluded for 199 518,60 PLN which, after commission, will be 199 817,83 PLN.
As a result, in the example above, the guaranteed rate will result in a saving of 106,87 PLN or an additional 0.0021 on each dollar. Calculation example of how to calculate the rate up to which offers will be taken off the market
In the example, the customer has a 25% discount for high turnover and wants Walutomat to sell him dollars. The average rate on the interbank market is 3.9850. As a result, his guaranteed rate is 4.0000 because:
3,9850 + 0,0150 = 4,0000
The commission that the client pays with a 25% discount is:
0,2% * (1-25%) = 0,15%
In order to calculate up to and including which rate a client will trade on the exchange, and at which point they will move to the guaranteed rate, we need to subtract their commission from the guaranteed rate:
4,0000 – (4,0000 * 0,15%) = 4,0000 – 0,0060 = 3,9940
As a result, the user’s exchange transaction will connect in turn to all offers up to 3.9940. If it were to connect to an offer less favourable than 3.9940, the rest will already execute at the guaranteed rate, so the user will not pay more than the guaranteed rate.This mechanism means that for users with large trading discounts, the guarantee mechanism activates later, so that they benefit longer from better offers on the exchange and the final guaranteed rate is still the same for everyone.